Importación de CSR en GeoNetwork

El uso de CSR (Cruise Summary Reports) es el medio habitual para informar sobre campañas oceanográficas y experimentos el mar. Generalmente, este tipo de metadatos se crean utilizando el software MIKADO bajo los requisitos de SeaDataNet. Si bien los metadatos originales son adecuados para distribuir a través del portal SeaDataNet, no es posible incorporarlos de forma directa en el catálogo de metadatos GeoNetwork.

Para poder incoporarlos (y a la espera de que el formato SeaDatanet sea plenamente compatible), se ha creado un transformador XSLT de este tipo de ficheros XML de metadatos. Los cambios que realiza en el fichero de metadatos están orientadas a cubrir necesidades específicas del IEO, por lo que debe aplicarse con cautela. A continuación se detallan los principales cambios:

  • Convert gmi:MI_Metadata to gmd:MD_Metadata.
  • Replace xsi:schemaLocation attribute.
  • Modify language to be complaint with ISO/TS 19139 based on code alpha-3 of ISO 639-2.
  • Convert SDN content to character string.
  • Remove sdn:additionalDocumentation and sdn:SDN_SamplingActivity.
  • Remove gmi:acquisitionInformation. A nice solution would be to change the 19139 schema plugin in GeoNetwork able to detect metadata with a MI_Metadata root element. This could be achieved by modifying the schema-ident.xml file in GeoNetwork, in the element. After doing this, the gmi:acquisitionInformation could be kept in the metadata. If you try this solution, make sure that you have changed the root element to gmi:MI_Metadata and that xsi:schemaLocation has been removed. Good luck!
  • Convert sdn:SDN_DataIdentification to gmd:MD_DataIdentification.
  • Make status = completed.
  • Insert gmd:spatialRepresentationType element if not already present.
  • Detect the code of the oceanographic vessel and add a graphic overview (picture of the vessel). Pictures have been prevously stored in the GeoNetwork server.
  • Add links to CSR and CDI inventories with a brief explanation in both English and Spanish.
  • Distribution Format is mandatory in 19139:2005.
  • We assume that all CSR are "series" and all CDI are "dataset". By so doing, we can modify the GeoNetwork GUI to differenciate both kind of resources at the home page. This will facilitate browsing CSR by the end-user.
  • Remove gmd:metadataExtensionInfo (to avoid errors in ISO validation rules).
  • Make more descriptive the title by adding at the beginning the words "Campaña/Survey: ".
  • Make more descriptive the alternate title by adding at the beginning the words "IEO referencia/identifier: ".
  • INSPIRE title and data are wrong in some CSR files.
  • Modify date to be the end of the cruise. This makes easier to find a cruise inside GeoNetwork.
  • Arrange geographic extension.

Accede al código a través de la cuenta

La transformación puede realizarse a través de Matlab (véase script incluido) o directamente desde el GeoNetwork.


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